50 essays book online

50 essays book online

It was late-afternoon. Forty-nine of us, forty-eight men and one woman, lay on the green waiting for the spike to open. We were too tired to talk much. We just sprawled about exhaustedly, with home-made cigarettes sticking out of our scrubby faces.

50 Essays A Portable Anthology 3rd Edition

Some of the essays are quite good and interesting. And then there are the long, boring ones that almost put you to sleep. A nice thing about this collection is that most of the essays are relatively unknown, with obvious exceptions like "The Declaration of Independence".

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :.

Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — 50 Essays by Samuel Cohen. At less than half the size and price of comparable readers, 50 Essays meets the needs of a wide variety of classrooms. The carefully chosen table of contents presents enough familiarity to reassure instructors, enough novelty to.

The carefully chosen table of contents presents enough familiarity to reassure instructors, enough novelty to keep things interesting, and enough variety to accommodate many different teaching needs. The editorial apparatus has been designed to support that variety of needs without being intrusive. In its second edition, 50 Essays continues to offer selections that instructors love to teach, with even more flexibility and more support for academic writing.

Get A Copy. Paperback , Second Edition , pages. Martin's first published December 3rd More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about 50 Essays , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology.

Aug 22, Michelle In Libris Veritas rated it liked it. I ended up reading this entire book even though I only need to read like six of the essays. There are a few really well know bits included i. The Declaration of Independence and but there are a lot that are taken from full works or practically unknown essays. A lot of them are really good, and there are a good chunk that are really boring and feel like a bunch of rambling. It's actually more enjoyable if you have someone to make you think about them, like a professor does.

This is a review of the 3rd edition. Buckley Jr. Sep 05, Kalpurrnia rated it did not like it. This is an anthology of skillful rhetoricians and writers. A useful and practical tool to be used for inducting youthful consciences into the liberal and progressive worldview.

This book is used on various HS and college campuses for composition courses. Dec 26, Lauren rated it really liked it Shelves: I enjoy teaching from this book because of the variety of material and its compactness. Most of the essays have a thematic mate within the text, so it's been easy when designing units that ask the students to compare styles, arguments, or the larger social implications of the material.

In all, it's been a wonderful tool for teaching the finer points of expository analysis and composition to my students. I definitely enjoyed the variety of issues touched upon in the essays therein; there are a great many perspectives provided in regards to these issues, many of which I hadn't thought of or considered before.

It was this anthology that convinced me to give nonfiction and essays a chance for reading, and I haven't regretted it since. Jul 20, Ider Bayar rated it really liked it. Very diverse selection of topics and writers. I especially enjoyed how many of the writers are each unique figures themselves, such as cripples, foreign citizens, suffragettes and minorities. This would be an excellent book for an English writing class. Jun 08, Stella Maybury rated it really liked it.

Excellent variety of essays. Science, history, personal memoirs, politics, and simply excellent literature are all here. Inevitable, predictable emphasis on race and gender, but high quality authors and works throughout. Mar 14, Calleen Petersen rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed many of the essays in this book. It expanded my think about several issues and cultures. Dec 22, Sandra Orozco rated it liked it. Has some heavy topics. Pretty cool.

Apr 19, Ruqaya rated it it was amazing. Excellent choice of essays. Apr 12, Angela rated it it was amazing. May 24, Donna Brown rated it really liked it. Mar 18, R. Created as an English study text for examples of different kinds of writing. Of course some of the essays are classic, some not so much.

Oof AP English Language spoke to my soul. Nov 23, Dori Sabourin rated it really liked it. At the end of each essay, there are five guidelines for Discussion and Writing. Dec 08, Ptreick rated it really liked it. I adopted this textbook for my developmental writing class. For this purpose, most of the essays will work wonderfully, and some just won't. This is truly a fantastic mix of essays - everything from Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" to James Baldwin's "Notes of a Native Son" to Sarah Vowell's "Shooting Dad" -- so the book could really be used for many purposes.

Many of these are classic essays that I've encountered as both a student and as a teacher -- but some were new to me, such as Nancy Mairs' I adopted this textbook for my developmental writing class. Many of these are classic essays that I've encountered as both a student and as a teacher -- but some were new to me, such as Nancy Mairs' "On Being a Cripple" -- an essay I'll recycle for a critical writing class.

My only criticism is with the variety of themes -- some fabulous work on education and gender and racial identity, but less so with hard-hitting prose on serious issues facing our world. The environmental essays included seemed "soft" to me, and I could have wished for some powerful essays dealing with issues such as crime and punishment, the legalization of recreational drugs, issues relating to gun control, etc.

Apr 21, Haydee Romero added it Shelves: reading-like-a-writer. To introduce her topic she paints a scene at the dentist and her uncontrollable tongue that is frustrating the dentist trying to finish a root canal. Her topic is language.

Anzalduas writing is descriptive: 9Homemade white cheese sizzling in a pan, melting inside a tortilla. My mouth watered as she described home cooked meals. The essay is written in Spanglish, which I believe makes her opinion and argument defending her language so powerful. The passion she has for the topic is represented in her use of first person, it is not just facts it feels personal.

I would use this piece as an example of using your home language to make a piece powerful. Honestly, If you are a type of reader who enjoys short novels then I recommend this Book for you.

This contains events that you've might experience or can relate to when reading. I am in the process of reading through this book as one of our class assignment and so far I've been impressed with each story I've read.

One thing that I found interested about this book was the way each author had different topics or events but they all relate back to a time in their lives.

50 Essays: A Portable Anthology is the best-selling value-priced reader in the country because its virtues don't stop at the price. The book's carefully chosen. 50 Essays will help you acquire the critical thinking and academic writing skills you need to succeed, without making a dent in your bank account. This book.

The editorial apparatus is flexible and unobtrusive enough to support a variety of approaches to teaching composition. The sixth edition features new voices on culturally relevant topics as well as sentence guides that help students develop an academic writing voice with templates for a variety of composing situations. Portable and affordable.

Some of the essays are quite good and interesting. And then there are the long, boring ones that almost put you to sleep.

The editorial apparatus is flexible and unobtrusive enough to support a variety of approaches to teaching composition. In its fifth edition, 50 Essays continues to help students acquire the critical thinking and academic writing skills they need to succeed, without making a dent in their wallets. New to This Edition.

Psychology in Everyday Life

An accessible, affordable text. The carefully chosen selections in 50 Essays include both classic essays and high-interest, high-quality contemporary readings to hold your interest and inspire your writing. This book includes the essays and assignments you need in order to do your coursework. Read online or offline with all the highlighting and notetaking tools you need to be successful in this course. Support back Get Help Support Community. Rental FAQs.

50 Essays: A Portable Anthology by Samuel Cohen – 5th Edition – eBook

50 Essays: A Portable Anthology / Edition 6

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