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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. The multiple choice questions and essays topics address content on AP exam. The book's carefully chosen Sep 6, - Nov 1, - 50 essays : a portable anthology by Samuel S Cohen. Buy 50 Essays : Portable Anthology 2nd edition by Samuel The carefully chosen table of contents presents enough familiarity to reassure At less than half the size and price of comparable readers, 50 Essays meets the needs of a wide variety of classrooms.

The carefully chosen table of contents The carefully chosen table of contents presents enough familiarity to reassure instructors, enough novelty to Maecenas aliquet accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

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Some of the essays are quite good and interesting. And then there are the long, boring ones that almost put you to sleep.

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. The multiple choice questions and essays topics address content on AP exam.

50 Essays: A Portable Anthology

The Grand Tour was the 17th- and 18th-century custom of a traditional trip of Europe undertaken by upper-class young European men of sufficient means and rank typically accompanied by a chaperone , such as a family member when they had come of age about 21 years old. The custom — which flourished from about until the advent of large-scale rail transport in the s and was associated with a standard itinerary — served as an educational rite of passage. Though the Grand Tour was primarily associated with the British nobility and wealthy landed gentry , similar trips were made by wealthy young men of other Protestant Northern European nations, and, from the second half of the 18th century, by some South and North Americans. By the mid 18th century, the Grand Tour had become a regular feature of aristocratic education in Central Europe as well, although it was restricted to the higher nobility. The tradition declined as enthusiasm for neo-classical culture waned, and with the advent of accessible rail and steamship travel—an era in which Thomas Cook made the "Cook's Tour" of early mass tourism a byword.

Grand Tour

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50 Essays A Portable Anthology 2nd Edition

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