3 page essay on wwi with footnotes

3 page essay on wwi with footnotes

Its casualty totals were unprecedented, soaring into the millions. World War I is known for the extensive system of trenches from which men of both sides fought. Lethal new technologies were unleashed, and for the first time a major war was fought not only on land and on sea but below the sea and in the skies as well. A number of smaller nations aligned themselves with one side or the other.

World War I And The Great Migration

Throughout American history, wartime necessity has often opened new political and social avenues for marginalized groups. By participating in the war effort, women suffrage activists made a compelling, and ultimately successful, case for voting rights: After all, how could America protect democracy abroad without extending it to half the population at home?

Likewise, African Americans furthered their claim for racial equality at home by their contributions on European battlefields and on the home front filling industrial jobs. Congress passed the Selective Service Act on May 10, , which required all able-bodied men ages 21 to 31 to register for military duty.

In less than two years, more than 4 million draftees swelled the ranks of the U. Of these, , were African Americans who were drafted principally into the U. On the battlefield, many infantry units in the all-black 92nd U. Army Division distinguished themselves. Navy, they were assigned only menial jobs. African Americans had to fight to establish a black officer training program. Arguably the most profound effect of World War I on African Americans was the acceleration of the multi-decade mass movement of black, southern rural farm laborers northward and westward to cities in search of higher wages in industrial jobs and better social and political opportunities.

Louis, and Detroit. Still, in , nearly 90 percent of African American lived in the South, four-fifths of them in rural areas. Emigration from the South gained more traction with the advent of several important and largely economic developments beginning in the second decade of the 20th century. Military conscription and the slackening of European immigration caused massive labor shortages in the North, just as war production created an insatiable demand for industrial goods.

Those labor shortages provided black Southerners with jobs in the steel, shipbuilding, and automotive industries as well as in ammunition and meat packing factories. Many found the promise of economic opportunity irresistible, though this was not the only element pulling people northward. Whether their motivation was economic, political, individual, or communal, immense numbers of African Americans streamed northward.

By one estimate, roughly a half-million southern blacks migrated to northern cities between and , and between , and one million left the South in the s. This massive demographic shift dramatically altered African-American society, history, culture, and politics. During the s it produced a revolutionary period of black artistic expression in literature, music, and thought known as the Harlem Renaissance.

Among those who participated in this cultural moment in northern Manhattan, which raised black consciousness nationally, were poet Langston Hughes, writer Zora Neale Hurston, and scholar and intellectual W. A new sense of African-American culture emerged, stoked by such leaders as Marcus Garvey, an advocate for black separatism and repatriation to Africa. Slowly, African Americans won election to important political offices, including Oscar De Priest , a native Alabamian and future Member of Congress, who became a member of the Chicago city council in Next Section.

Brian K. Among these, the 15th New York Regiment of the th U. Infantry stood out. It was the first Allied unit to reach the German border on the Rhine River, and never yielded a trench or lost a member to capture. The French awarded the entire regiment the Croix de Guerre.

New York: Oxford University Press, : 53— Migration was a long and vexing question in the South and among African-American communities generally. Though the ACS initially received support from several prominent politicians, vocal objectors and an economic depression in Liberia killed the project by the s. After Reconstruction, the issue of African migration was rekindled; however, many African-American leaders, among them John Langston, opposed foreign emigration.

This is our native country. White lived in Washington and Philadelphia for the rest of his life. He was among eight black Congressmen in the 19th century who left the South after their service in Washington.

Washington, D. Government Printing Office, Featured Search Historical Highlights of the House. Learn about Foreign Leader Addresses. Featured Search the People of the House. Majority Leaders. Bean Soup! Featured Mace of the U. House of Represen- tatives. A Century of Women in Congress September 11, People Events Institution Objects. Documentaries Interviewees Oral History Transcripts. Featured Shooting in the House Chamber. House Trivia Timeline. Black Americans in Congress.

Footnotes See Adam P. Office of the Historian: history mail.

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Military deaths by country [5] [6]. Military deaths by country [5]. Serbia's reply failed to satisfy the Austrians, and the two moved to a war footing. A network of interlocking alliances enlarged the crisis from a bilateral issue in the Balkans to one involving most of Europe.

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Find out more. This seemingly small conflict between two countries spread rapidly: soon, Germany, Russia, Great Britain, and France were all drawn into the war, largely because they were involved in treaties that obligated them to defend certain other nations. Western and eastern fronts quickly opened along the borders of Germany and Austria-Hungary.

3 page essay on wwi with footnotes

Throughout American history, wartime necessity has often opened new political and social avenues for marginalized groups. By participating in the war effort, women suffrage activists made a compelling, and ultimately successful, case for voting rights: After all, how could America protect democracy abroad without extending it to half the population at home? Likewise, African Americans furthered their claim for racial equality at home by their contributions on European battlefields and on the home front filling industrial jobs. Congress passed the Selective Service Act on May 10, , which required all able-bodied men ages 21 to 31 to register for military duty. In less than two years, more than 4 million draftees swelled the ranks of the U. Of these, , were African Americans who were drafted principally into the U.

World War I

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