3 things that make me happy essay

3 things that make me happy essay

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What Make Me Happy Essay

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. What kinds of things make me happy? I could probably write a book about this topic once I sit down and begin thinking about it. Happiness means something different to each individual. I slowly open one eye and look at the clock. I stretch slowly, like a cat, smile, and roll over for a few more minutes. Don't use plagiarized sources. Then I climb out of bed, put on my scuffs, and shuffle to the kitchen where I start a pot of coffee.

There is no hurry here. As the coffee brews, I open the blinds and throw open the doors. I check the temperature on the thermometer just outside the front door. When the coffee has finished brewing I pour myself a cup and head for either the front porch or the back deck.

If I sit on the front porch, in my old oak rocking chair, I can see the trees waving in the early morning breeze. I love this when there is a slight frost and the air is crisp. I watch as the last few hummingbirds hit the feeder, searching for their early morning meal. Soon all the leaves will be gone, leaving only the bare branches for me to watch.

In a few minutes the sun will be peeking through the trees and the crystal ice will melt away. I sit here, drinking in the sights, sounds, and smells of early morning in the wooded hills where I live.

It is a peaceful feeling knowing that I need not hurry for anything this morning. I reflect on the fact that I am a lucky woman. With my first cup of coffee almost gone, I amble towards the kitchen for cup number two.

With this, I head for the back deck and a different view. Things That Make Me Happy. Accessed May 20, This is just a sample. You can get your custom paper from our expert writers. I have rarely thought about the so-called memorable experiences in life. Since there are a lot of things that need to be done now and also in the future, to me, it is quite hard to write about this topic and it took me a lot of time recalling what have happened in my life, Life is a series of choices, as you advance from one stage in life to another chances are What is civilization?

It likewise serves 2 purposes — to Hap-pi-ness: the quality or state of being happy. One crucial standard for living is being able to be happy. Happiness can be found in an numerous amount of ways. It can be found by buying inanimate items that help us better our life or it can be found with communicating with someone. To truly reach Check Writers' Offers. What's Your Topic? Hire a Professional Writer Now. The input space is limited by symbols.

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Personally, there are three main things that make me happy at this point: family, love, and true friends. First of all, my family makes me feel happy. However there are three major things that make me feel so happy; spending my time with my family, doing something for society as my.

Essay on Happiness! These essays will also guide you to learn about the sources, need and factors affecting happiness. Happiness is defined by different people in different ways. When we feel positive emotions we tend to feel happy. That is what happiness is all about.

People are always seeking to find a thing that might make them happy. Provided the fact that simply no two people are alike, pursuits of happiness usually are very different from every other because each person perceives happiness in his or perhaps her own way.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Happiness, for me — is when my heart feels warmness. Time goes by, I grow fast, changes come; therefore I might have different feelings that make me happy.

What Make Me Happy

For me there are many things that can make me happy in the world, but the two things t hat make me most happy is sports and summer vacation. I like sports by playing them on a team and with my friends, or watching on TV. The reason sports probably makes me happy is because of the action. The two that have the most action to me are hockey and football. Summer vacation make me happy because of the fun I have during the summer.

Things That Make Me Happy

Though happiness is said to be universal, it can be derived by countless things and actions. Each person has specific phenomena that trigger happiness in him or her. In this essay, I would like to endeavor to explain what makes me personally happy. It seems that the greatest happiness I have gained is from seeing other people become happy. There is a saying that you do not know happiness until you have sacrificed for others. I believe this sentiment wholeheartedly. When you give something away to someone, or volunteer, or put your life in danger for others, you garner a sense of satisfaction that is difficult to duplicate. Through fMRI technology, we now know that giving activates the same parts of the brain that are stimulated by food and sex.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Happiness is a thought of as the good life, freedom from suffering, flourishing, well-being, joy, prosperity and pleasure.

What makes me happy, this question always be heard inside of my mind then in a hurry I try to think about my own happiness. Absolutely, there are so many things that can make me feel happy such as traveling, shopping, playing with kids, etcetera. However there are three major things that make me feel so happy; spending my time with my family, doing something for society as my voluntary work, and hanging out with friend.

What makes you happy essay

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. What kinds of things make me happy? I could probably write a book about this topic once I sit down and begin thinking about it. Happiness means something different to each individual. I slowly open one eye and look at the clock. I stretch slowly, like a cat, smile, and roll over for a few more minutes. Don't use plagiarized sources. Then I climb out of bed, put on my scuffs, and shuffle to the kitchen where I start a pot of coffee. There is no hurry here. As the coffee brews, I open the blinds and throw open the doors. I check the temperature on the thermometer just outside the front door. When the coffee has finished brewing I pour myself a cup and head for either the front porch or the back deck.

Essay on Happiness

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Everyone in this world, with little or much, has something that makes them happy. There are at least five major things that make me happy and I am going to state them. First, one thing that makes me happy is discovering a good book. But what I am trying to say is this—in my opinion, I think that as this generation and the next generation pass, readers and publishers of what they think are good books have been slowly letting go and letting themselves think that whatever they consider is a good book in their opinion , is indeed a good book. And not only that, those types of books are in many peoples' hands too! Whenever I head to the library in search for an excellent book, almost every time I walk out of the library, I What makes me happy …………………………………………..

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